Full service provider and system house
Full service provider and system house in one
Wir bieten als Hersteller seit mehr als 25 Jahren effiziente Softwarelösungen. Darüber hinaus war und ist InterRed stets auch ein zuverlässiger Begleiter seiner Kunden und ihrer Projekte.

From conceptual consulting and project management to the overall implementation of complex projects as an "all-round carefree package" with subsequent comprehensive service, we have extensive experience from more than 25 years of project support. InterRed's project managers and consultants make targeted use of this experience by identifying efficient approaches and cost-effective solutions. The latest technological trends as well as the needs of customers and their clients are taken into account. Expensive "wrong turns" are avoided even before projects are conceived.
Based on the premises, requirements and goals established during the consulting phase, InterRed works with its customers to develop the project concept. Technological and economic requirements as well as the use of market-driven and innovative scenarios form the guideline for the planning. Through the use of established project management procedures and the direct involvement of customers and their needs, an optimum is also achieved during the conception phase.
Installation and implementation
The actual implementation begins with the installation of the systems. Here, both the hardware requirements and possible migration scenarios are taken into account. In addition, project-accompanying analysis and control procedures ensure a successful implementation process and rapid response to new requirements as the project progresses. Milestones and test scenarios also serve to ensure the rapid and successful progress of projects.
The first training sessions often take place at the same time as implementation, with users usually having priority. They are the ones who, among other things, ensure a smooth transition from the project phase to the live phase with their content.
The live phase of projects is usually heralded by a stability phase. In this phase, intensive testing under operational load takes place once again. On request, InterRed can also support customers beyond the initial launch. Ongoing analysis, monitoring and further consultation form the cornerstone of this. The customer's wishes and simultaneous observation of the markets, coupled with the innovation potential of a technological market leader, form the basis of the next generation of InterRed's complete solution. These innovation boosts in turn benefit InterRed customers directly.
InterRed GmbH offers turnkey projects from a single source, from consulting to design and implementation to subsequent support. As the manufacturer of the systems used and as a long-standing partner of our customers, we have the best knowledge of the markets and the most innovative technologies. We use our know-how for the benefit of our customers and guarantee with our name that projects are realized "in time", "in budget" and "in quality".
Commitment and personal support for you: our customers
Our customers' business concepts, processes, ideas and the products based on them are as fascinatingly diverse as their need for a focused solution and personal support. The industry diversity of our clientele represents a particular significance and challenge. This is because InterRed users are not characterized by their affiliation to a specific industry, but rather by their need for an effective solution. The common task is the central generation, simple management and high-performance distribution of the most comprehensive information across the apparent boundaries of digital and printed media.
It is therefore not surprising that both publishers and major manufacturers from industry, banking, insurance, food, mail order and charity sectors, to name but a few, have been successful customers of InterRed for many years. Despite all individual requirements, the simple, centralized, cross-media maintenance, management and distribution of the diverse information is always at the heart of the need. At this point, we always create a customer-centered and professional solution based on InterRed.
The basic prerequisite for our support is a concept tailored to individual goals and personal customer care, even beyond the project in question.
It begins with a detailed inventory, combined with a comprehensive evaluation of the necessary measures. Based on this, a tailor-made project implementation is possible, which provides our customers with a maximum of future-oriented and future-proof solutions. Even years later, these solutions will still give you the competitive edge that supports and helps you to expand your position in your competitive environment.
To achieve this, we at InterRed GmbH have built up a highly dynamic project team in addition to our innovative think tank for product development. This team of experienced consultants, project managers, developers and customizers is able to analyze complex needs and find effective solutions for our customers in order to implement them in manageable projects under personal supervision. Each customer is given the highest level of attention, so we can proudly say that throughout our history all projects have been delivered on time, on budget and to the highest quality.
The aim of every project is to provide the customer with the best possible solution. In addition, our employees undergo intensive training to ensure that each customer can pursue and achieve their individual, changing goals independently beyond the project.
On request, we continue to support customers even after the initial project has been completed. Depending on requirements, we offer all useful forms of support, from support for questions during day-to-day work to further development and "round-the-clock" support 365 days a year.
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