100ProLesen GmbH
100ProLesen is THE nationwide network dedicated to promoting children's and young people's own opinion-forming as well as reading, learning and media skills from nursery schools to children's and young people's homes to all types of schools by providing them with fact-based news formats and thus giving them a strong voice.
With the mobile news format MEGAfoN, 100ProLesen supports the promotion of students' own opinion formation in schools. In order to be able to use the app to its full extent, students need a code that they receive from their teachers, provided that the app is used in the respective school. 100ProLesen was able to win the dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Hamburg, as an exclusive news supplier, thus paving the way for pure, fact-based news in schools for pupils and teachers. All reports, articles and images are entered 1:1 unchanged and uncommented into the corresponding sections of the app.
The technological basis of the app is InterRed AppPublishing.
The managing partner of 100ProLesen GmbH, Werner Fredebold, is more than satisfied with the joint cooperation:
"Thanks to InterRed, we were able to launch the MEGAfoN app in a very short time. We were convinced not only by the technical basis, but also by InterRed's extensive wealth of experience in the area of linking dpa reports. But what was decisive for us from the beginning was that the entire InterRed team let themselves be carried along and could identify to a high degree with our content and thus the app."