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AT Mineral Processing

The journal AT INTERNATIONAL (Mineral Processing – Aufbereitungstechnik für mineralische Stoffe) has been informing its readership for more than fifty years on developments and solutions to problems in mechanical process- engineering in the fields of minerals, coal, ores and secondary materials, such as construction or demolition ("C&D") waste, and power-plant by products.


The subjects covered include both technical, scientific and economic topics associated with the processing stages of comminution and agglomeration, screening and grading, sorting, dewatering and drying, materials handling, conveyance and storage, homogenization, blending and proportioning, sampling and quality monitoring. These are augmented by monthly spotlight features from the individual sectors, such as salt and potash, trends in coal preparation, and overviews focused on specific countries.

The German/English edition is supplemented by five issues annually in English only, and one in Russian. In addition, the annual edition dedicated to the subject of screening, and the Market Focus Crushers, also published annually, provide a comprehensive overview of the products available on the market, complete with a tabular summary of the most important product properties.

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